
In the world

Raphaël ChantelotPartnerParis

Raphaël Chantelot

Raphaël Chantelot
Mathieu Selva-RoudonPartnerParis

Mathieu Selva-Roudon

Mathieu Selva-Roudon
Marion Roquette-PfisterPartnerParis

Marion Roquette-Pfister

Marion Roquette-Pfister
Charlotte VidalAssociateParis

Charlotte Vidal

Marco PlankensteinerPartnerParis

Marco Plankensteiner

Marco Plankensteiner
Florence DefradasPartnerParis

Florence Defradas

Florence Defradas
Romain BerthonPartnerParis

Romain Berthon

Romain Berthon
Marie BoustanyAssociateParis

Marie Boustany

Marie Boustany
Eden ChetritAssociateParis

Eden Chetrit

Eden Chetrit
Noëlle NaderJuristParis

Noëlle Nader

Noëlle Nader
Pascaline Déchelette-TolotOf counselParis

Pascaline Déchelette-Tolot

Pascaline Déchelette-Tolot
Bo HanCounselParis

Bo Han

Bo Han
Clémence LegoutCounselParis

Clémence Legout

Clémence Legout
Léa DebabiAssociateParis

Léa Debabi

Léa Debabi
Jérémy RégadePartnerParis

Jérémy Régade

Jérémy Régade
Maxime Ramos-GuerreroAssociateParis

Maxime Ramos-Guerrero

Maxime Ramos-Guerrero
Stephan Lesage-MathieuPartnerParis

Stephan Lesage-Mathieu

Stephan Lesage-Mathieu
Louis MorvanAssociateParis

Louis Morvan

Louis Morvan
Sidonie Fraîche-DupeyratPartnerParis

Sidonie Fraîche-Dupeyrat

Sidonie Fraîche-Dupeyrat
Benoîte ChanfrayAssociateParis

Benoîte Chanfray

Benoîte Chanfray
Charlotte SicsicAssociateParis

Charlotte Sicsic

Charlotte Sicsic
Isaure HymJuristParis

Isaure Hym

Alexandre de KonnPartnerParis

Alexandre de Konn

Alexandre de Konn
Karine BézillePartnerParis

Karine Bézille

Karine Bézille
Frédéric BaillyPartnerParis

Frédéric Bailly

Frédéric Bailly
Julie CittadiniPartnerParis

Julie Cittadini

Julie Cittadini
Juliette NeubauerAssociateParis

Juliette Neubauer

Juliette Neubauer
Sophie MarinierPartnerParis

Sophie Marinier

Sophie Marinier
Maxime LabonneCounselParis

Maxime Labonne

Maxime Labonne
Sarah O’NeilAssociateParis

Sarah O’Neil

Sarah O’Neil
Christian SauerPartnerParis

Christian Sauer

Christian Sauer
Julia GaryAssociateParis

Julia Gary

Diane GranboulanAssociateParis

Diane Granboulan

Diane Granboulan
Antoine FontaineAssociateParis

Antoine Fontaine

Antoine Fontaine
Brandon ChengAssociateParis

Brandon Cheng

Brandon Cheng
Géraldine PiedelièvrePartnerParis

Géraldine Piedelièvre

Géraldine Piedelièvre
Sébastien ThouvenotCounselParis

Sébastien Thouvenot

Sébastien Thouvenot
Vincent DantonPartnerParis

Vincent Danton

Vincent Danton
Valérie HardouinCounselParis

Valérie Hardouin

Valérie Hardouin
Aude DumasAssociateParis

Aude Dumas

Aude Dumas
Aurélie DaugerPartnerParis

Aurélie Dauger

Aurélie Dauger
Émilien VivierAssociateParis

Émilien Vivier

Émilien Vivier
Antoine PretotAssociateParis

Antoine Pretot

Antoine Pretot
Alice MollotAssociateParis

Alice Mollot

Alice Mollot
Julie LagoucheAssociateParis

Julie Lagouche

Julie Lagouche
Céline RiffletCounselParis

Céline Rifflet

Céline Rifflet
Virginie MartelCounselParis

Virginie Martel

Virginie Martel
Ran HuPartnerParis

Ran Hu

Ran Hu
Aurore SouverainAssociateParis

Aurore Souverain

Aurore Souverain
Agathe CoudèneAssociateParis

Agathe Coudène

Agathe Coudène
Leïla BouhamidiAssociateParis

Leïla Bouhamidi

Leïla Bouhamidi
Silke NadolniPartnerParis

Silke Nadolni

Silke Nadolni
Guillaume SalehAssociateParis

Guillaume Saleh

Guillaume Saleh
Sarah ChirsenAssociateParis

Sarah Chirsen

Sarah Chirsen
Anne-Chloé ProtAssociateParis

Anne-Chloé Prot

Anne-Chloé Prot
Stéphane ErardPartnerParis

Stéphane Erard

Stéphane Erard
Pierre-François RacineOf counselParis

Pierre-François Racine

Pierre-François Racine
Pierre MarlyPartnerParis

Pierre Marly

Pierre Marly
Francine HuynhAssociateParis

Francine Huynh

Anne DelormeCounselParis

Anne Delorme

Anne Delorme
Lionel SandrockAssociateParis

Lionel Sandrock

Lionel Sandrock
Marie-Gabrielle du BourblancCounselHong Kong

Marie-Gabrielle du Bourblanc

Marie-Gabrielle du Bourblanc
Baptiste CousseauAssociateParis

Baptiste Cousseau

Baptiste Cousseau
Majda HachemiAssociateParis

Majda Hachemi

Majda Hachemi
Lanier Fleischmann-CarusoAssociateParis

Lanier Fleischmann-Caruso

Anne-Charlotte FoinCounselParis

Anne-Charlotte Foin

Anne-Charlotte Foin
Sarah KesyCounselParis

Sarah Kesy

Sarah Kesy
Victor SienackAssociateParis

Victor Sienack

Victor Sienack
Hadrien GoumyAssociateParis

Hadrien Goumy

Hadrien Goumy
Martine Blanck-DapPartnerParis

Martine Blanck-Dap

Martine Blanck-Dap
Léa ZentelinAssociateParis

Léa Zentelin

Léa Zentelin
Camille Choisy-BostAssociateParis

Camille Choisy-Bost

Camille Choisy-Bost
Luc FranceschettiAssociateParis

Luc Franceschetti

Luc Franceschetti
Romain ViretCounselParis

Romain Viret

Romain Viret
Sandra FernandesPartnerParis

Sandra Fernandes

Sandra Fernandes
Charlène FreyAssociateParis

Charlène Frey

Charlène Frey
Airi TozakiCounselParis

Airi Tozaki

Airi Tozaki
Sohel HafizAssociateAlgiers

Sohel Hafiz

Sohel Hafiz
Romane RhodesJuristParis

Romane Rhodes

Clément BossardAssociateParis

Clément Bossard

Clément Bossard
Nassima BoudjenahAssociateParis

Nassima Boudjenah

Nassima Boudjenah
Lobna BoudiafAssociateParis

Lobna Boudiaf

Lobna Boudiaf
Charlotte SillemAssociateParis

Charlotte Sillem

Charlotte Sillem
Adrien LesaffreAssociateParis

Adrien Lesaffre

Adrien Lesaffre
Thibault JuliaCounselParis

Thibault Julia

Thibault Julia
Automne PonceAssociateParis

Automne Ponce

Automne Ponce
Antoine Guimard-VersiniAssociateParis

Antoine Guimard-Versini

Antoine Guimard-Versini
Laurence WynaendtsCounselParis

Laurence Wynaendts

Laurence Wynaendts
Nicolas VanderchmittPartnerHong Kong

Nicolas Vanderchmitt

Nicolas Vanderchmitt
Karim Ben KhamsaAssociateParis

Karim Ben Khamsa

Karim Ben Khamsa
Loïc Malot-SchönfelderAssociateParis

Loïc Malot-Schönfelder

Loïc Malot-Schönfelder
Frédérique ChaillouPartnerParis

Frédérique Chaillou

Frédérique Chaillou
Prudence CadioPartnerParis

Prudence Cadio

Prudence Cadio
Agathe Minvielle-SebastiaAssociateParis

Agathe Minvielle-Sebastia

Agathe Minvielle-Sebastia
Louise DurandAssociateParis

Louise Durand

Louise Durand
Typhaine GeoffroyCounselParis

Typhaine Geoffroy

Typhaine Geoffroy
Arnaud DepierrefeuPartnerDubai

Arnaud Depierrefeu

Arnaud Depierrefeu
Yann Le PuilAssociateParis

Yann Le Puil

Yann Le Puil
Clément JouveAssociateParis

Clément Jouve

Clément Jouve
Nicolas LefèvreCounselParis

Nicolas Lefèvre

Nicolas Lefèvre
Michelle WongCounselParis

Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong
Julie Jouan De KervénoaëlAssociateParis

Julie Jouan De Kervénoaël

Julie Jouan De Kervénoaël
Sandra HundsdörferPartnerParis

Sandra Hundsdörfer

Sandra Hundsdörfer
Michael SamolPartnerParis

Michael Samol

Michael Samol
Eleonora SorribesPartnerParis

Eleonora Sorribes

Eleonora Sorribes
Hélène CloëzPartnerParis

Hélène Cloëz

Hélène Cloëz
Pauline DessevreCounselParis

Pauline Dessevre

Pauline Dessevre
François MetzCounselParis

François Metz

François Metz
Maximilien PalluAssociateParis

Maximilien Pallu

Maximilien Pallu
Isaure HymAssociateParis

Isaure Hym

Isaure Hym
Vincent SolOf counselParis

Vincent Sol

Vincent Sol
Xavier ClédatPartnerParis

Xavier Clédat

Xavier Clédat
Amélie JungbluthAssociateParis

Amélie Jungbluth

Amélie Jungbluth
Alix PatouillaudAssociateParis

Alix Patouillaud

Alix Patouillaud
Laetitia Von RoëllJuristParis

Laetitia Von Roëll

Pauline MaurusCounselParis

Pauline Maurus

Pauline Maurus
Marine HoareauAssociateParis

Marine Hoareau

Marine Hoareau
Pierre-Philippe SechiAssociateParis

Pierre-Philippe Sechi

Pierre-Philippe Sechi
Lawyer Monthly | Interview with Raphaël Chantelot and Mathieu Selva-Roudon about Vivalto Partners’ equity investment in Laboratoires Delbert - Lawyer Monthly | Interview with Raphaël Chantelot and Mathieu Selva-Roudon about Vivalto Partners’ equity investment in Laboratoires ... LPA-CGR avocats ranked again in the Chambers & Partners Europe Guide! - 17 March 2022 LPA-CGR avocats ranked again in the Chambers & Partners Europe Guide! Several of our practices and many lawyers ... Best wishes for 2021 from LPA-CGR avocats -  Best wishes for 2021 from LPA-CGR avocats [video width="1920" height="1080" ... Qatar adopts a long-awaited PPP law: will it really be a revolution? - 2 July 2020 2 July 2020 Qatar adopts a long-awaited PPP law: will it really be a revolution? On 31 May 2020, the Emir of Qatar issued Law n°12 of ... Contractual joint ventures: practical thoughts for foreign companies operating in the Gulf region - 3 june 2020 3 June 2020 Contractual joint ventures: practical thoughts for foreign companies operating in the Gulf region [1] The contractual ... Will Covid-19 exempt your responsibility from failure to perform your obligation under French civil law? - 29 may 2020 Will Covid-19 exempt your responsibility from failure to perform your obligation under French civil law? In this article, we consider ... Immoweek Special Covid-19 | The impact of Covid-19 on the Japanese market - Immoweek Special Covid-19 | The impact of Covid-19 on the Japanese market Lionel Vincent, Managing Partner of the Tokyo office, ... LPA Tokyo/Paris Japan Desk Newsletter | Governmental measures in France in favour of companies in the context of the covid-19 crisis (Article in Japanese language) - 24 april 2020 LPA Tokyo/Paris Japan Desk Newsletter | Governmental measures in France in favour of companies in the context of the covid-19 crisis ... BFM Business - China Eco | Hong Kong's place in China's business community - BFM Business - China Eco | Hong Kong's place in China's business community Invited in the China Eco program of BFM Business, Nicolas ... The Tokyo Bar attorneys' study visit  - The Tokyo Bar attorneys' study visit  Airi Tozaki, attorney and member of the Japan Desk of LPA-CGR avocats, had the pleasure to ...
Smart Alert | Streamlining of the Moroccan merger control law - Smart Alert |Streamlining of the Moroccan merger control law After an initial period during which merger law existed but was not ... LPA Middle East | Smart Alert - UAE release the tax corporate law  - 19 January 2023 LPA Middle East | Smart Alert - UAE release the corporate tax law On December 9, 2022, the UAE Ministry of Finances ... Smart News Mobility – International March 2022 - Smart News International Mobility – March 2022 The whole LPA-CGR avocats mobility team is pleased to present its new Smart News. ... News in real estate law: Covid19 and increase in disputes with tenants / new energy saving obligations - News in real estate law: Covid19 and increase in disputes with tenants / new energy saving obligations In this newsletter (in German) ... LPA Tokyo/Paris Japan Desk Newsletter | Governmental measures in France in favour of companies in the context of the covid-19 crisis (Article in Japanese language) - 24 april 2020 LPA Tokyo/Paris Japan Desk Newsletter | Governmental measures in France in favour of companies in the context of the covid-19 crisis ... Smart News International mobility – March 2019 - 2019, March 9th Smart News International mobility – March 2019 The whole LPA-CGR avocats mobility team is pleased to present its new Smart News. Find ... SmartNews International mobility - July 2018 - The whole LPA-CGR avocats mobility team is pleased to present its first #SmartNews written by our lawyers all around the world. Find a ... Smart News - France / Hong Kong - Mai 2018 - Abaissement du taux d’IS en France : la fiscalité à Hong Kong est-elle encore privilégiée ? Quel est l’impact de cette baisse du ...
China Outbound Investment Guide | France takes the lead as the key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe - China Outbound Investment Guide | France takes the lead as the key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe Europe is the ... IFLR – China outbound Report | France maintains its role as a key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe - 9 June 2022 IFLR – China outbound Report | France maintains its role as a key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe Europe ... Le Matin | Crowdfunding : Les opérateurs attendent le signal de départ - 29 mars 2022 29 mars 2022 Le Matin | Crowdfunding : Les opérateurs attendent le signal de départ Comment le financement collaboratif peut-il ... The main highlights of the recent security and guarantees reform in France - 21 April 2022 The main highlights of the recent security and guarantees reform in France New legislation has recently reformed French ... Laurence Simons Search | Sandra Hundsdörfer - Being Multi-Legal, Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cultural is a Must-Have for Cross-Border Advice - Laurence Simons Search | Sandra Hundsdörfer - Being Multi-Legal, Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cultural is a Must-Have for Cross-Border ... Qatar adopts a long-awaited PPP law: will it really be a revolution? - 2 July 2020 2 July 2020 Qatar adopts a long-awaited PPP law: will it really be a revolution? On 31 May 2020, the Emir of Qatar issued Law n°12 of ... Will Covid-19 exempt your responsibility from failure to perform your obligation under French civil law? - 29 may 2020 Will Covid-19 exempt your responsibility from failure to perform your obligation under French civil law? In this article, we consider ... Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine | SMEC in M&A PE deals - SMEC in M&A PE deals A new tax "tool" is now available to buyers: reduced penalties are offered by a dedicated tax office in ... Sapin II law – First decision rendered by the Sanctions Commission of the French Anticorruption Agency - Sapin II law – First decision rendered by the Sanctions Commission of the French Anticorruption Agency on the control regarding ... Actu Environnement | It's time to move to a unique wind energy planning - Actu Environnement | It's time to move to a unique wind energy planning While the Multiannual Energy Program (EPP) project gives pride ...
LPA Law participates in the 2024 French-Japanese Business Summit - 3 December 2024 LPA Law participates in the 2024 French-Japanese Business Summit On December 3rd, our LPA Law teams, led by Lionel Vincent, Partner at ... neext Future Summit | Pioneering tomorrow's Real Estate, Industry and Infrastructure - neext Future Summit | Pioneering tomorrow's Real Estate, Industry and Infrastructure On the 18th and 19th of September in Berlin, join ... LPA-CGR avocats once again ranked in the Chambers Global 2024 guide! - 15 February 2024 LPA-CGR avocats once again ranked in the Chambers Global 2024 guide! Our MENA (Middle East and North Africa) ... The four-day work week - why we need to change our attitude to work - The four-day work week - why we need to change our attitude to work On average we work for more than 50 years, and then retire. Is ... Tax audit in France: How should Japanese group companies be prepared? - 12 July 2023 Tax audit in France: How should Japanese group companies be prepared? In the context of the increase of tax audits after the fading ... How to successfully invest in North Africa - Focus on Morocco & Algeria - 15 novembre 2022 How to successfully invest in North Africa - Focus on Morocco & Algeria At the 8th edition of the TICAD (Tokyo International ... Webinar | HR and Tax issues arising from international mobility between France, Hong Kong and Singapore - 20 April 2022 Webinar | HR and Tax issues arising from international mobility between France, Hong Kong and Singapore From remote work to temporary ... Webinar Japan Desk | After the lockdown: what scenarios in Labour Law ? - 25 june 2020 Webinar Japan Desk | After the lockdown: what scenarios in Labour Law ? A webinar on the theme "After the lockdown: what scenarios in ... Webinar TMA France | Impact of the crisis on Turnaround & Restructuring - Webinar TMA France | Impact of the crisis on Turnaround & Restructuring With the participation of TMA United Kingdom and TMA ... Seminar Visa 4Biotech Japan, in partnership with GENOPOLE, CCIFJ, JETRO and INPI - Seminar Visa 4Biotech Japan, in partnership with GENOPOLE, CCIFJ, JETRO and INPI The Japan Desk of LPA-CGR Paris office was a speaker ...
Press release
LPA-CGR avocats continues to grow with the arrival of Marco Plankensteiner and his team - Paris, 17th November 2023 LPA-CGR avocats continues to grow with the arrival of Marco Plankensteiner and his team Marco ... LPA-CGR avocats strengthens its Life Sciences and Healthcare Industry Sector with the arrival of Morgane Morey as Counsel - 21 november 2022 Morgane Morey joins LPA-CGR avocats as Counsel, to strengthen the Life Sciences and Healthcare sector by bringing her ... LPA-CGR lawyers strengthens its Africa Desk with the arrival of Samir Sayah and Marc Veuillot as partners - LPA-CGR lawyers strengthens its Africa Desk with the arrival of Samir Sayah and Marc Veuillot as partners LPA-CGR avocats confirms its ... LPA-CGR avocats assists Berlin Hyp AG in the financing of the acquisition and construction of a 645-room student residence in Puteaux - 15 juin 2022 LPA-CGR avocats assists Berlin Hyp AG in the financing of the acquisition and construction of a 645-room student ... LPA-CGR avocats advised Elo audio and its founders in its installation in the United States and its admission in the Californian accelerator TechStars - January 31, 2022 LPA-CGR avocats advised Elo audio and its founders in its installation in the United States and its admission in the ... LPA-CGR avocats advised Mutares on a binding offer for the acquisition of Sealynx International from GMD Group - December 2, 2021 LPA-CGR avocats advised Mutares on a binding offer for the acquisition of Sealynx International from GMD ... LPA-CGR avocats strengthens its real estate financing practice with the arrival of Hassan Javanshir as partner - LPA-CGR avocats strengthens its real estate financing practice with the arrival of Hassan Javanshir as partner Hassan has been ... LPA-CGR avocats advised Orano on the acquisition of STSI from the Geodis Group - LPA-CGR avocats advised Orano on the acquisition of STSI from the Geodis Group LPA-CGR avocats advised the Orano Group on its ... LPA-CGR avocats advises KGAL in the successfully divestment of European renewables portfolio - LPA-CGR avocats advises KGAL in the successfully divestment of European renewables portfolio LPA-CGR avocats advises KGAL in its ... LPA-CGR avocats advised Orano in the acquisition of Daher’s nuclear activities in Germany and the United States - 01.10.2021 LPA-CGR avocats advised Orano in the acquisition of Daher’s nuclear activities in Germany and the United States LPA-CGR ...



136, avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris - France
Phone:+33 (0)1 53 93 30 00
Fax:+33 (0)1 53 93 30 30

A leading firm in Paris bringing you in-depth legal expertise with an international reach

With more than 150 lawyers in Paris covering a comprehensive range of expertise, we have been delivering for over 40 years outstanding legal advice to our clients addressing all their needs.

As a full service firm, our teams of experts advise French and international clients (whether corporate, investment funds, start-ups or public entities) in all areas of business law.

Leader in the real estate and energy markets, our firm has built a full service offering including corporate, banking, litigation, labor law and tax, with a sector-based approach.

Our lawyers in Paris work hand-in-hand with our foreign offices to handle cross-borders projects in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Our firm, organized as a professional partnership, is managed by a Chairman and an Executive Committee.

For your information, you will find below, in accordance with the regulations in force, our Gender Equality Index.


  • Indicator relating to the gap in the rate of individual increases : 35/35
  • Indicator relating to the % of employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave : 15/15
  • Indicator relating to the number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 employees with the highest salaries : 10/10

Our law firm is certified ISO 9001 by Bureau Veritas Certification France since December 2021.